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Your favorite horse in Guttecoven?: Campari

Your all time favorite horse?: Next Milton

Your best memory or moment involving horses?: Seeing Edward Gal and Totilas break the world record in Freestyle scoring 92.300% live at Olympia!

Your work description in Guttecoven?: Training horses, and training visiting students

How is your typical work day?: Training horses (and talking,,,,,)

What do you do in your spare time?: Look after my house, garden and two daughters, shopping, cooking, internet and studying to become an F.E.I International dressage judge

In your opinion what is the most important feature for someone wanting to work with horses?: Patience

What do you think are the most important things a (jumping) rider should do with his / her horse in a daily basis?: The same as a dressage rider, ride the horse according to the Training Scale (Rhythm, Suppleness, Contact, Impulsion, Straightness and Collection) 

Your favorite riding exercise?: Shoulder-in 

Your goals here in Guttecoven for 2010?: To continue to train the horses in the same way, to improve them physically and keep them happy,,,,

Your advice to our readers?: Training horses is an art and takes years to master, and then you continue learning,,,,,,


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